Hi, everyone!
the legendary, more than 6000- feet- deep Grand Canyon in Arizona was our
long-cherished dream. In addition to reading about this natural wonder on the
Web, we were inspired by the Grand Canyon stories told our friends who already
visited it. Especially interesting was
to hear that even what you see from the
observation points of the National Park (quite breathtaking by itself, as seen
from pictures on the Web) is only a small part of the Canyon. “Wow, we cannot miss
seeing this”, we said to ourselves and packed for the trip.On our way to the Canyon we enjoyed the great scenery from the window of the car, and were pleasantly surprised by the sunny weather at this time of the year. But a really amazing and unforgettable experience was waiting for us at the edge of Grand Canyon, itself.
Taming the Colorado |
View from the car |
This was a solid rock... |
we approached the Mather`s Point to see the Grand Canyon, we saw …nothing. Instead
of the Canyon, before us appeared a white wall! At the beginning we felt so
unlucky that we wasted all this time spent for the trip. Very soon, though, we
changed our minds and started enjoying this amazing phenomenon.
We were told that this is very rare event called temperature inversion. Cool air from the bottom of the Canyon cannot escape due to the warm air at the top. The fog, which was formed from this, covered the Canyon with a white blanket, and created the illusion of this total disappearance of the Canyon! It felt like we were riding the cloud…A simply amazing experience.
Later we learned that we actually witnessed so called full temperature inversion which occurs only once every 10 years. This weather phenomenon entered the Top 100 of the most unusual events of the 2013.
However, this now allows us to make another visit to The Grand Canyon later in the spring or summer to see it in all its grandeur .
*** ***
Посмотреть на легендарный Большой каньон, в Аризоне, которому исполнилось 6 миллионов лет, была наша давняя мечта. Мы вдохновились рассказами друзей о том, насколько глубок и велик каньoн, что со всех смотровых площадок видна только небольшая его часть, непременно отправились туда.
Насладившись вдоволь удивительными пейзажами за окном, по пути к каньoнy, мы были приятно удивлены солнечной погодой, в такое время года. Но по настоящему удивительные вещи, мы наблюдали по прибытии...
Когда мы подошли к смотровой площадке Большого каньона, мы его просто не увидели...вместо легендарного ущелья, перед нами предстала белая стена!
Это было редкое, для данной местности явлениe, которое случается несколько раз в год. Поток холодного воздуха снизу встретился с теплым воздухом наверху...и образовался туман, который накрыл каньон белым одеялом, и создал иллюзию его исчезновения! Удивительное зрелище!
Погодный феномен вошел в топ 100 самых необычный явления уходящего 2013 года.
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